About Us
Our School Vision
Aspire & Achieve
Our school Aims and Values embodies our culture and ethos, where relationships are at the heart of every interaction. Supporting everyone in the whole school community.Our priority under the leadership of the Executive Head, Heads of School and Senior Leadership Team, is to ensure the safety of everyone and to promote and support emotional and physical wellbeing. It is the foundation upon which everything else depends enabling all to ASPIRE & ACHIEVE.
Our School Expectations

We are restorative in our approach, using a range of methods and strategies in order to maintain positive relationships amongst our school community. We aim to achieve this by following 3 core expectations:
These key words are used all around school to remind children of our behaviour expectations. Dojo points are rewarded to those children demonstrating these positive behaviours and work carried out in lessons to discuss and model what these key words mean in every day life.
Our School Values

Our school values are embedded in all that we do in school and are celebrated each week in our Celebration Assembly and through the award of Dojo points. Children are recognised for demonstrating these six values through their positive work attitudes and behaviours, communication and interactions with others and for going above and beyond.