Gardners Lane Primary School

Gardners Lane
Primary School


The Gardners Lane PTA (Parent, Teacher Association) is a charity fundraising committee run by parents, carers of children, teachers and friends of the school. It helps provide all those little extras that enhance the children's lives in school.

All parents are eligible to become members of the PTA when their child joins the school. The social and fundraising events organised by the energetic and successful PTA Committee continue to provide money for much needed facilities and resources for the children. Most activities are designed to be ‘family events’.

The school is indebted to the work of the PTA and all the parents who support our school. We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for such fantastic support!

The PTA this year

Gardners Lane School PTA work hard every year to raise money to give all the children in school little extras.

Each child receives a birthday and Christmas present every year. Year 6 Leaver's receive an autograph book, pen and a contribution towards their leavers hoodie as a farewell gift.

We also provide extras for Christmas lunch.

This has only been possible due to fundraising efforts.

If you would like to join our PTA or have any ideas you would like to pass on for new fundraising ideas, then please email


Easyfundraising Leaflet

Contact Us

Suzie Street
Staff Reprensentative
by email
or visit the School Office

What do we do?

PTA events take place throughout the year and have included:

  • Summer Fair
  • Discos
  • Mothers and Fathers Day Gift Shop

Through such events, we have raised money to fund extra, valuable resources and experiences for the children to use.  These include playground equipment, classroom resources, contributions to trips and buses to sporting events.

How can you help?

The success of the PTA depends entirely on the support of all parents, staff and the community. We greatly appreciate any assistance. This can be anything from a little time spent helping out in the background, to coming along to the functions with friends and family or by joining the PTA committee.

Share your fundraising ideas with us, we are always open to new ideas and welcome any suggestions from an idea for a stall at the fairs to a suggestion for a whole event.