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Our School View


At Gardners Lane we have an inclusive approach to teaching your children. We encourage our pupils to have high aspirations and to work hard to achieve their dreams.

When a child has a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) we will provide extra help, intervention programmes and resources to ensure that they can take part in all lessons and activities in and out of school safely, happily and with confidence.

Our school is fully accessible to all learners.


Children with SEND may have difficulties in one or more of the following areas:

Cognition and Learning- difficulties with learning in subject areas, particularly Reading, Writing and Maths.

Communication and Interaction- difficulties with speech and language.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health-difficulties with self-esteem, working and playing with others and managing feelings.

Sensory and/or Physical Needs- difficulties with sight, hearing or other medical diagnoses.

SEND Support

SEND Support

We offer a range of support in the following areas:

  • small group work
  • 1-to-1 support
  • a range of resources
  • varying teaching techniques
  • targeted interventions

Our Pastoral Support Team ensures that children are happy, resilient and ready to learn.

There are many people that the school can go to for extra help and advice:

  • The Educational Psychology Service (EPS)
  • The Advisory Teacher Service (ATS)
  • Speech and Language Therapists (SaLT)
  • Health Services- including the school nurse (Health)
  • Children and Young People’s Service (CYPS)
  • Young Minds Matter (YMM)

Together with you, your child and these professionals we can identify  difficulties your child may be experiencing and decide upon the best support to help them be successful. We aim to hold meetings with you and your child at least 3 times a year to review the progress your child is making, to listen to what you and your child would like to have happen and then to set new targets for the following term. We record these targets on a My Plan or a My Plan+, though for children with more complex needs an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) may be more appropriate.

If your child has medical or personal care needs we will work together with you to ensure they are met fully.

When children change classes or move schools, we pass on detailed information to make the changeover as stress free and smooth as possible.

Identification of needs and support

Every child’s attainment and progress is closely monitored. A range of information from tests, assessments and observations enable us identify children who need more help. Lessons may be adapted, extra adult support given in the classroom or targeted support within small group withdrawal or 1-1 intervention sessions. Your child’s class teacher will discuss this with you and, at regular review times, will share their progress towards the targets. The Teaching Assistants leading targeted intervention and the SEND Lead are also happy to talk to you about what is working well and any concerns which arise.

Should there continue to be concerns relating to the four areas previously outlined above, a further discussion would be had to escalate support to Statutory Assessment with the possibility of leading to an EHCP.

SEND and Inclusion Policies

Contacting Us

SENCo: Sarah Fairs

SEND Governor: Julie Hunt

Contact Details:

School Office - (01242) 515761

Email: admin@gardnerslane.gloucs.sch.uk

If you have concerns teachers are able to talk before or after school or an appointment can be made by phoning the office.

Further information

The SEND Policy can be found on the school website.

The Gloucestershire Parent Partnership Service (GPPS) can offer advice and help.


Freephone 0800158 3603

Gloucestershire’s Local Offer can be found at: www.glosfamiliesdirectory.org.uk

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